Allergens & Allergies
The most common immune disorder is the allergic reaction which occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen (dust, pollen, milk, dog or cat dander, strawberries, etc.) and produces too many neutralizing chemicals (especially histamines) to counteract it.
* Bacteria normally live in some parts of your body (i.e. your gut and skin). When bacteria travel to places they shouldn’t be, then your immune system will attack them.
** Organ recipients must take drugs to suppress their immune systems so these “foreign” organs are not rejected.
Your immune system keeps you 100% natural, organic, unadulterated YOU. It recognizes and destroys anything not supposed to be in you.
Are Work Injuries Covered?
When an injury occurs on the job, many employees and employers are unaware of the law and procedures that are to be followed. Employees are often given incorrect information or partial information that does not fully explain the rights of an injured worker on the job.
You don’t have to go to the Company Doctor.
That’s right. This rule applies only to the first 30 days in regards to seeing the company doctor. If after 30 days you can change doctors and you have the right to choose your own doctor. You don’t need to discuss it with your employer, the insurance company or the doctor. When you choose a different doctor, they are required to notify the insurance company through a “Doctors First Report”. So you can just call any doctor and schedule an appointment.
During the first 30 days after a work injury, you can also request a doctor of your choice. This includes a doctor of chiropractic. The employer or the insurance company for the employer must provide to you within five days the name to a doctor of your choice, and they have to pay for those services.
Did you also know that…
You can change primary treating doctors more than once after the first 30 days
You can change primary treating doctors more than once after 30 days? This is often unknown, but true. In fact, you can change as many times as is considered reasonable and the insurance company would be obligated to pay for the care in most circumstances.
There is more…
If the employer fails to properly post certain notices required by law, the injured worker can go directly to the doctor of their choice and the employer loses the right to control medical treatment during the first 30 days.
You Don’t Have To Always Get Authorization From The Employer Or Insurance Company To See Another Doctor Of Your Choice.
You only need to get authorization during the first 30 days. After that, the doctor is the one who would authorize or not authorize care based on his or her findings during your appointment at the consultation and examination. Labor Code 4600 reads essentially in part that the employers shall (emphasis added) provide the injured worker all reasonable and necessary medical (Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, etc.) treatments to cure and/or relieve the effects of the industrial injury. In other words…
By Law, The Employer or The Employer’s Insurance Company is Required To Pay For Care Deemed Reasonable And Necessary To Cure Or Relieve Your Condition.
And another thing…
The consequences of an employer terminating employment of an injured worker are great. Civil and sometimes criminal penalties can result and damages to employers can be very high, indeed.
Employers who routinely terminate employees who file for Worker’s Compensation Benefits may be investigated by the Division of Worker’s Audit and Enforcement Unit. This unit insures that employers and insurance companies are following the law.
By Law, It Is A Unacceptable Practice To Fire An Employee For Filing A Legitimate Worker’s Compensation Claim.
The law states that it is a felony to file a fraudulent Worker’s Compensation claim, but it also states that to deny someone Worker’s Compensation benefits who is entitled to them is also a felony. Therefore, it works both ways. If the employer violates the law, they are in jeopardy. If the employee is lying or making up a claim for Worker’s Compensation, then they are also liable. Further, attorneys, insurance companies, doctors, vocational rehabilitation specialists and others involved in Worker’s Compensation are also held to the same level of accountability.
Injured Workers Who Don’t File A Claim Upon Knowledge Of A Work Related Injury Are Putting Their Own Rights In Jeopardy.
If you are concerned about losing your job or some other penalty of discrimination for filing a Worker’s Compensation claim, don’t be. If you think you have a work-related injury, see a doctor. Go to someone with the experience, expertise, and knowledge of the ever-changing labor codes. Be honest. Get the facts straight. Explain the type of work you do and be forthright and you shouldn’t have any problems at all.
If I File A Work-Related Injury, I Won’t Have Any Money.
If you have a work-related injury and your Doctor takes you off work, you will be entitled to disability benefits. There are several different types of disability benefits. They include temporary total disability, meaning that you are temporarily totally off work unable to do your job. The most common, though, is what is called temporary partial disability, meaning for a short time, you are unable to do part of your job, say heavy lifting for an example because you hurt your back.
In most situations, the employer will commonly make work arrangements for you to perform light duty or other jobs not causing further injury or aggravation to your back.
If, however, you are permanently injured, you may receive long-term disability benefits and also be trained for a new line of work. Being trained for a new line of work is called vocational rehabilitation. This essentially means that you are trained in a new line of work or profession that does not aggravate or cause further injury to your condition. For example, a typist who has carpal tunnel syndrome may be trained as a supervisor, which no longer requires typing.
The type of disability you have and whether or not you need vocational rehabilitation is determined by professionals in Worker’s Compensation, mainly your doctor and a Worker’s Compensation vocational rehabilitation specialist.
If you are hurt on the job and are unable to work, normally within 15 days you will receive a check amounting to approximately two-thirds of your normal pay up to certain limitations. Most injured workers who are on temporary disability are paid these benefits without much problem.
The Insurance Company/Employer Says I Have To Go To Their Doctor …
What Do I Have To Do?…
In some cases, this may be true. According to a section of Labor Code 4050, the employer is entitled to have the employee evaluated by their own doctor at reasonable intervals. This is to insure that the treatment that the patient is being given and the reports that the insurance company is receiving are verifiable by another doctor’s opinion, examination, and review.
Typically, the insurance company is paying for your care and they want to insure that they are getting their money’s worth. Unfortunately, however, sometimes this leads to situations where the employer to the insurance company for the employer tries to dictate to the patient the care that they should by receiving. As we discussed earlier, the first 30 days of care we will allow the employer to have some right of control based on certain circumstances. But after 30 days, the employee has control of their own care. In most cases, patients like having control of their own treatment and seeing doctors that they think are appropriate for their treatment.
If you Are Being Told That You Cannot Continue With Your Doctor, Or If You Have To See Another Doctor, Discuss This With Your Treating Doctor First.
Patients who have feuds and upsets in this area are best advised after talking with their doctor to consider the reason behind the insurance company requesting treatment with another doctor. In some circumstances, it is quite legitimate. For example, your doctor may not be familiar with Worker’s Compensation law or not reporting regularly or providing treatment which has not shown much benefit in terms of you improving or going back to work.
On the other hand, sometimes this is just an attempt by the insurance company to try to regain control of your medical care, chiropractic care, orthopedic care, etc.
So essentially, there are legitimate reasons for requesting treatment with another doctor and there are non-legitimate reasons. The best advice is to consider all the options and make a decision. The Worker’s Compensation system in the State of California can be very adversarial at times towards patients, employers, doctors, and insurance companies.
The main idea behind all the laws was to give injured workers certain benefits, such as medical care, disability and retraining if they are injured on the job and need of such services.
The Great Compromise
Employees give up rights, such as their ability to sue their employer for negligence and other legal remedies due to the Worker’s Compensation law. So in essence, the law was a great compromise to employers and employees to deal with Worker’s Compensation with work injuries on the job. As in all medical and legal matters, there are exceptions to all of these rules, one being for example, federal employees which do not fall under State of California guidelines.
This article is designed to give you a general idea of how the rules are in most cases and give you some information relevant to the common issues injured workers have. If you have specific legal questions, it is always wise to research the law or consult an attorney who specializes in Worker’s Compensation.
Bed-wetting or enuresis (the involuntary passage of urine) is a poorly understood problem that continues after the child reaches five years of age. Some nocturnal bed-wetting is related to maturation, especially in boys. Commonly, bedwetting is blamed on immature sleeping patterns or small urinary bladder capacity.
One of the common causative factors involved in nocturnal enuresis is categorized as bladder innervation disorder. This is the area in which the Doctor of Chiropractic can be of help to the child. Chiropractic studies have indicated that bed-wetting has been resolved when vertebral subluxations (nerve interferences) are corrected.
Boosting Your Immunity Through Chiropractic
In 1975, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medical Institute and Professor of Medicine in Environmental Health at New York University, began developing scientifically valid ways to estimate individual susceptibility to various chronic diseases. Pero and his colleagues found strong evidence that susceptibility to cancer could be gauged by the activities of various enzymes involved in metabolic and genetic changes from exposure to carcinogenic or “mutagenic” chemicals. An individual’s immune system responsiveness, or “immune competence,” also was directly linked to certain DNA repairing enzymes that provided an objective way to assess disease susceptibility. Lack of those enzymes, Pero said, “definitely limits not only your lifespan, but also your ability to resist serious disease consequences.”
Pero was fascinated by various hormones’ synergistic relationship with other cancer-inducing agents to promote the disease. For example, thyroid hormones affect the early phases of radiation- and chemically-induced cancers. If the thyroid produces too much of either thyroxine or thyroidstimulating hormone, cancer risk greatly increases. And because the nervous system regulates hormonal balances, it too can influence susceptibility to cancer. Along these lines, various kinds of spinal cord injuries are accompanied by a high risk of developing cancer, particularly lymphoma and lymphatic leukemia. This connection led Pero to consider chiropractic a potential alternative for reducing the risk of immune breakdown and disease.
In 1986, Pero collaborated with Joseph Flesia, D.C., Chairman of the Board of Directors for Chiropractic Basic Science Research Foundation (CBSRF). With a grant from CBSRF, they began a research project at the University of Lund in Lund, Sweden. Using Pero’s tests to gauge resistance to hazardous environmental chemicals, they hypothesized that people with cancer would have a suppressed immune response to such a toxic burden, while healthy people and those receiving chiropractic care would have a relatively enhanced response.
Measuring 107 individuals who had received long term chiropractic care, Pero’s team had surprising findings. All chiropractic patients were `genetically normal, ” that is, they had no obvious genetic reasons for increased resistance or susceptibility to disease. Any difference, therefore, had to be accounted for by environmental or therapeutic factors. The chiropractic patients also had 200% greater immune competence than those who had not received chiropractic care, and 400% greater immune competence than those with cancer or other serious diseases. Despite a wide range of ages in this study, immune competence did not show any decline with age; it was uniform for the entire group.
Pero concluded that “chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have” so that you can fully resist serious disease. “I’m very excited to see that without chemical intervention …this particular group of patients under chiropractic care did show a very improved response,” he told CBSRF. “These changes occur from chiropractic treatment.”
Source: East West Health Magazine, November, 1989.
Clinical studies have shown that breastfed babies have fewer allergy problems than formula-fed babies. Non-breastfed babies also have a higher incidence of more severe infections.
Childhood Fevers
Fevers are a common symptom in childhood. Many parents are frightened when their child has a fever, when in fact it is one of the most powerful defense mechanisms we have against disease and infection. It is widely known that a fever activates the child’s immune system. In many cases a fever actually strengthens the immune system and helps to prevent susceptibility to other illnesses later in life. As Dr. Uwe Stave, medical pediatrician, states, “Fever attacks can affect children in quite a positive way. Even though his physical strength is reduced, the child may disclose a wealth of new interests and skills. After a fever, the child reveals a spurt of development and maturation.”
George Wootan, M.D., author of Pediatrics: A Course For Parents, reports that the height of the fever has nothing to do with the severity of the disease. He states that the child’s body will regulate his/her inner temperature as needed. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, taught that a fever was a helpful body response to disease and infection.
How does a fever work?
The fever process works like this: the child develops an infection, to which the body responds by making additional leukocytes (white blood cells). These cells fight the infection by destroying the bacteria and viruses then removing the dead tissue. The activity level of the white cells is also increased as they move rapidly to the site of the infection. This is called leucotaxis, and it is activated by the release of pyrogens that raise the body temperature. Metabolic rate and oxygen consumption increases. An increase in body temperature simply means that the process of healing is speeding up. Also, iron, which bacteria need to survive, is removed from the blood and stored in the liver. This reduces the rate at which the bacteria multiply. As this whole process of defense in the body progresses, a substance called interferon becomes more effective and aids in the fight of the infection. Because a fever is regulated by the body, it rarely, if ever, reaches a level that would be hazardous to the child.
Studies show that reducing a fever may not be in the best interest of the developing child. In such diseases as chicken pox or influenza, a deadly form of Reye’s syndrome may result if the child is given aspirin. Because of this, the centers for Disease control and the Committee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics now warn against giving aspirin to children. When a fever is artificially suppressed by any method, the body’s defense system is not fully activated.
Antibiotic therapy
A report in the Pediatrics Infectious Disease Journal evaluated the use of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of strep throat and ear infections. The researchers compared two groups, the first one given the antibiotic immediately after the symptoms occurred, and the other group receiving delayed treatment or none at all. In the immediately-treated group, the symptoms (fever, sore throat, painful swallowing, headache, abdominal pain, swollen glands, lethargy, irritability, and loss of appetite) lessened, and recovery time was reduced. But when the treatment was delayed or not administered at all, there were fewer recurrent episodes of strep throat and ear infections. Over a four month period, the children who were given the antibiotic immediately when the symptoms first occurred experienced two and a half times more bouts of strep throat. Similar results were reported for ear infections when treated immediately; those that received antibiotics immediately had more ear infections than those with delayed treatment or no treatment at all. The researchers concluded that when antibiotics were delayed or not given, children were able to build a natural immunity.
What causes the temperature to rise?
Subluxations cause a neurological disorder that disrupts the communication system between the brain and body activity. This process can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate temperature. A rise in temperature may also be due to environmental factors, such as in heat illness brought on by exercising in extremely hot or humid weather. Heat prostration occurs when the normal temperature-regulating mechanisms are overloaded. This is unlike a fever, which is a regulated elevation of the body temperature. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, medical pediatrician, states, “When the body temperature is elevated due to a cold and influenza it may generate a fever up to 105 degrees, but even at that level it is not a legitimate cause for alarm.” Mendelsohn further states that, “More important in determining whether a fever is the result of a mild infection like a common cold, or a more serious one such as meningitis, is the overall appearance, behavior, and attitude of the child.”
What should you do?
Author and researcher, Dr. Eden, suggests that the parent remain calm when their child has a high fever. In the rare case that a child experiences a seizure brought on by a fever the convulsions rarely last longer than five minutes and will cease without treatment. After the convulsive episode is over, the child usually goes to sleep, and when he/she wakes up, is fine. “The first time a parent experiences a seizure with a child is almost always frightening,” Eden says, “but no permanent damage results and the baby will be fine.” Most children, however, never have a febrile seizure.
Parents should help their children understand that a fever is a natural, necessary part of healing and not a disease or sickness in and of itself. A fever should be monitored and not suppressed unnecessarily. The fever should be allowed to activate the child’s immune system. This will give him/her the best opportunity to fight off future infections.
Chiropractic helps
Normal body temperature varies throughout the day and night. If your child has a fever and acts abnormally, call your family chiropractor. Your child may be suffering from a spinal subluxation. This condition interferes with normal body function and can cause many childhood symptoms, including a fever.
A child’s room should be comfortable with plenty of fresh air. Dress the child in cotton so that his/her skin may breathe and perspiration will be drawn away from the body. Fevers commonly cause the child to lose a significant amount of fluid. This may lead to dehydration; to avert this process have the child drink plenty of water, about eight ounces an hour. Do not allow the child to become cold, as shivering will increase muscular activity and in turn increase the body temperature. This is a good time to sit with your feverish child and read or talk quietly.
Source : TheBabyAdjusters
Chiropractic for Infants & Babies
Healthier Infants & Babies You do everything to ensure your baby’s health: during pregnancy you eat right; you avoid drugs, cigarettes and alcohol (even aspirin has been shown to cause problems in pregnancy); and you take childbirth classes, so you may have a natural, drug-free birth. After the baby arrives, you breastfeed knowing that is the superior form of nutrition; you do everything you can to make sure your baby is healthy-have you had their spine checked? A chiropractic spinal checkup can ensure a healthier baby, one with higher resistance to disease and a healthier nervous system.
Birth Trauma – The First Subluxation
Sadly, some newborns have unhealthy spines: The birth process… is potentially a traumatic, crippling event… mechanical stress imposed by obstetrical manipulation-even the application of standard orthodox procedures may prove intolerable to the fetus. The view has bean expressed clinically that most signs of neonatal injury observed in the delivery room are neurological… “With the birth process becoming more and more an intervening procedure … the chiropractic adjustment becomes even more important to the child’s future,” said the late Larry Webster, D.C., of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
The Spine & Infant Health
Of a random group of 1,250 babies examined 5 days after birth, 211 suffered from vomiting, hyperactivity and sleeplessness spinal abnormalities were found in 95% of this group. Spinal adjustment “frequently resulted in immediate quieting, cessation of crying, muscular relaxation and sleepiness.” The authors noted that an unhealthy spine causes “many clinical features from central motor impairment to lower resistance to infections-especially ear, nose and throat infections.” In one case history, an 18-month-old boy suffered from tonsillitis, frequent enteritis, therapy-resistant conjunctivitis, frequent colds and earache and increasing sleeping problems. After the first spinal adjustment, the child demanded to be put to bed and slept peacefully until morning. His health returned to normal. One wonders, what would have happened to this child if he never had spinal care? A life of medicines? Of continued sickness? The two medical doctors who authored the above mentioned study concluded that a chiropractic spinal checkup “…should be obligatory after every difficult birth” and any spinal stress “should be … adjusted … the success of adjustment overshadows every other type (of care). In another study, of 1093 newborns checked, 298 had upper neck stress and early signs of scoliosis. For over a hundred years, doctors of chiropractic have observed often dramatic responses from some infants after a chiropractic spinal adjustment with conditions as varied as Frb’s palsy, in which an arm is limp and undeveloped, unbalanced facial and skull symmetry,? foot inversion, colic,torticollis (twisted neck), “nervousness,” and ear, nose and throat infections.
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Babies are very top heavy. Mild to moderate shaking of a child can result in serious neurological damage since their neck muscles are undeveloped. This damage has been known to occur after playfully throwing the child up in the air and catching him/her. The damage caused is called Shaken Baby Syndrome. Not only being shaken or thrown but being spanked can also cause spinal or neurological damage to a child. Any child who has been subjected to this rough behavior desperately needs a chiropractic checkup to prevent possible nerve damage. When Does A Baby Need a Spinal Checkup? According to chiropractic pediatric specialist, Larry Webster, D.C., there are six times in a baby’s first year of life when spinal examinations are especially important:
- 1. After the birth process
- 2. When the baby starts to hold his/her head up
- 3. When the baby sits up
- 4. When the baby starts to crawl
- 5. When the baby starts to stand
- 6. When the baby starts to walk
A healthier spine can improve your life.
Our children deserve to be treated naturally, not with dangerous chemical drugs and unproven surgeries,” says Bobby Doscher, D.C., director of Oklahaven Children’s Center, which is beginning its fourth decade helping indigent children with physical, neurological and emotional disabilities through drug-free chiropractic care. Do all you can to give your baby the best possible chance to have a healthy life. That includes childbirth without violence, avoidance of drugs and medical procedures (except in emergencies) and breastfeeding. You have your baby’s eyes checked, heart checked, ears checked-why not their spine?
No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health can be as important for your overall healing as proper nutrition. Are you and your family carrying the vertebral subluxation complex in your spines? Only a chiropractic spinal checkup can tell. Among the many things contributing to your health: the quality of the air, food and water you take in; how you handle emotional stress; your inherited weaknesses and strengths; your use of drugs; exercise; and relaxation-a healthy spine is absolutely essential. In some people it is a major factor and can make the difference between a life of health, strength and vitality or a life of disease, weakness and disability. A healthy spine can improve your life-see your chiropractor for periodic spinal checkups.
Source : Koren Publication
How Can A Chiropractor Help My Allergies?
By releasing stress on the nervous system, chiropractic permits the immune system to function more effectively-something all allergy sufferers need. A nervous system without stress functions more efficiently. Recent understandings in psychoneuroimmunology reveal that when the nervous system functions better the immune system benefits. Chiropractors correct a basic cause of body malfunction to improve the function of your immune system. Please note that the chiropractic approach is to remove vertebral subluxations, a common spinal distortion that puts stress on your nervous system. Freed of nervous system stress, your body will work more effectively to neutralize the allergy-causing chemicals in your environment. As Dr. Kurt Donsback has said: “A healthy body is capable of neutralizing these toxic substances and a body which has malfunctioning defense mechanisms cannot. The emphasis on allergies must be on building a healthy body, not on trying to use evasive tactics by eliminating all the allergens.”
Hyperactivity & Learning Disorders
“Chiropractors correct abnormalities of the intellect as well as those of the body.”
-D.D Palmer, Discoverer of Chiropractic
Doctors of chiropractic have long noticed chiropractic’s beneficial effects on those with neurological and emotional problems, especially children.
A Modern Epidemic
Learning disorders are just one of many neurological problems that affect children today. They include hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and minimal brain damage among others. The number of children diagnosed with these conditions is growing at a staggering rate, as medical historian Harris Coulter, Ph.D. has noted:
The American Psychiatric Association (Third Edition, revised 1987) publishes a guide to mental illnesses in this country, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual which devotes seventy pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence. ” The second edition in 1968 dealt with these disorders in only 3-112 pages. The first edition, 1952, did not mention them at all.
These disorders have received the appellation “developmental disabilities. ” Probably the leading one is dyslexia, ” also called “minimal brain damage. ” Another prominent one is “autism”. But there are many others. Probably twenty percent of American children-one youngster in fame-suffers from a “developmental disability. ” This is a ,stupefying figure…
The standard medical treatment for hyperactivity in children is amphetamine medications such as Ritalin, Dexedrine and Cylert. Ritalin is classified as a schedule II substance by the FDA along with cocaine, morphine, opium and methadone. Ritalin can have severe side effects, including arrested growth, increased heart rate, insomnia, loss of appetite, social withdrawal, irritability, moodiness and involuntary movements or sounds. In 1988, a half-million children were prescribed stimulant drugs for ADD and ADHD. By 1997 the number was two million and it is expected to reach eight million by 2000. Interestingly, M.D.s in the U.S. prescribe five times the quantity of stimulants for children as M.D.s in other countries. Many parents are concerned about drugging their children for years and possible drug abuse and dependency. “Is there another way,” they ask?
The Cause of Learning Disorders?
Dr. Coulter and a growing number of professionals feel that many of the neurologically damaged are victims of childhood vaccinations: A large proportion of the millions of U. S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called ‘developmental disabilities, ” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
Other causes of neurologic damage may be trauma to the head, severe bum, infectious diseases, accidents and falls.
What Can Chiropractic Do?
Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct vertebral subluxations-tiny distortions of spinal bones or vertebrae-that can irritate or stress the spine, discs, muscles, ligaments and nervous system. Although not a treatment for neurological disorders, chiropractic care has given many children suffering from neurological disorders new hope. Chiropractors, parents and school officials have reported on the effectiveness of chiropractic care for children with many kinds of neurological conditions including learning disorders, hyperactivity, inability to concentrate and behavior problems.
For example, the director of Psychoeducational and Guidance Services of College Station, Texas noted that of the 10,000 students referred to him in the previous decade, those who had received chiropractic care seemed to show the most benefit. He noticed that children failing their subjects and lacking motivation began passing their subjects, became highly motivated, and showed improved coordination and ability to participate in athletics after receiving chiropractic care. Some of the cases from his files included:
1. High school student; non-motivated, negative, passive, nonverbal and failing in high school work despite placement in special classes. She was put on 20mg. Ritalin. After chiropractic adjustments, the student was taken off Ritalin, began talking and expressing herself, and showed improved reading comprehension and reading speed.
2. Eight-year-old boy who was extremely hyperactive, irritable and with severe behavior problems at home and school; grades were marginal to failing; on 70mg. of Ritalin/day with steadily diminishing results. After chiropractic care, Ritalin was discontinued and coordination was improved to the extent that the student became a Little League ball player. His attitude was excellent, grades were up an average of one letter grade and behavior at home and school was exemplary.
3. A student with a four-year history of marginal accomplishment in school was nervous, underweight and suffered from insomnia. Medication was briefly tried but the student’s emotional control became poor and he frequently wept. After chiropractic care there was a marked reduction in nervousness and great improvement in emotional stability. His mother reported that his appetite was now normal and he began enjoying school during the last month.
Others have observed chiropractic’s effect on hyperactivity: “The majority of the children … did, in fact, improve under specific chiropractic care.? Still others have commented that spinal care may improve IQs.
In one interesting story, chiropractors had taken care of 244 children in a Kentucky reform school. The teachers were so impressed that they signed a petition asking for a full-time chiropractor on staff: “Not only did [the students] improve in health, but also in their school work as pupils … there has been a marked improvement in their moral life.” However, please remember that not all children respond the same under chiropractic care.
Exactly how subluxation correction affects brain function is not known. Some theorize that chiropractic care improves blood flow to the brain;10-13 others feel it lessens anxiety and promotes overall improved well-being 14-16 or enhances brain function17 while others feel it interrupts unhealthy nerve reflexes in the spinal cord.18-Z1 Obviously the final word on the mechanism is not yet in.
In Conclusion
Working in concert with nutritionists, homeopaths, CranioSacral therapists, psychologists, medical doctors and other healers, including chiropractors, parents can give their children every chance for optimal life expression.
If seriously afflicted students have been found to benefit from chiropractic care, could not “average” children benefit as well? Perhaps chiropractic care could help “average” students become “above average”? Increase their IQ a few points? Improve their reading skills a little and give them an edge in alertness, coordination and speech? Why not discover the benefits of chiropractic for your own children?
Immunological Diseases
Your immune system is influenced by your nerves and hormones, by your diet and by emotional stress. If unhealthy, your immune system may fail to recognize and remove abnormal cells (such as cancers); may not overcome infection; may overreact to foreign substances (bee stings, penicillin, foods or drugs); become depressed (as in AIDS) or even attack itself!
Neck Pain & Headaches
Headaches are relatively common in children and adolescents. The prevalence of severe recurrent headaches in those under the age of 10 is almost 10 per 1,000 and the number increases as the child gets older. Headaches cause missed school days, limit participation in social activities, family events, and school activities. Children’s headaches (e.g., migraine) exhibit no gender variation before puberty. In late adolescence, however, twice as many females report recurrent headaches. When a child has a recurrent headache, certain causes are more likely than others. As a parent you have a choice. Pain medication may alleviate some of the discomfort but they only cover the symptom and do nothing to address the underlying cause of the headache.
Treating pain can be dangerous
Most nonprescription products have warnings against use in younger children. Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol, Tempra) can cause serious side effects. Aspirin is no longer a good choice for headache in children of any age, due to the possibility of Reye’s syndrome (may cause death). Naproxen sodium (Aleve) is not to be given to anyone under the age of 12, and ketoprofen (Orudis KT) is not to be given to anyone under the age of 16. Even, ibuprofen can cause kidney damage in both children and adults. No product is indicated for children under the age of 6 months. Adults also experience pain medication side-effects. Best estimates of hospitalization and death amongst these patients from gastrointestinal ulcers caused by these medications are 40,000 per million (4 %) and 4,000 per million (.4%) respectively. In the US this amounts to 32,000 hospitalizations per annum, 3,200 deaths. Surgery carries even greater risk. Serious complications from cervical spine surgery for neck pain are 15,600 cases of paralysis or stroke per million, and the mortality rate is 6,900 per million. Recently, a long-term outcome study of headaches in childhood was completed using 11,407 participants. This is the first study on the topic using prospectively collected population based data, which confirms that children with headaches do not simply “grow out” of their complaint and may also “grow into” others. Waiting for your child to out grow headaches is not in their best interest. Chiropractic is a viable option.
The chiropractic approach
One of the most common causes of headaches is a condition that chiropractic adjustments help to correct. The condition is called cervical spine facet joint dysfunction or Vertebral Subluxation. It was demonstrated convincingly during the 1990’s by medical researchers at the Cervical Spine Research Unit, University of Newcastle, Australia. The ten year line of research published in Spine reported the exact source of headache and neck pain in 60% of participants was facet joints in the cervical spine (neck bones). Correcting restricted movement of cervical facet joints, and thereby influencing associated spinal reflexes, nerves and muscle tension, is a principal target of chiropractic care.
The scientists from the University of Maryland make this comment writing in Encyclopedia Britannica’s 1998 Medical and Health Annual: Spinal manipulation (adjustment) as a treatment for tension headache is predicated upon the assumption that dysfunction in the neck muscles contributes to the head pain; The muscle-dura (the covering of the brain) connection may represent – at least in part the underlying anatomic basis for the effectiveness of this treatment. Such treatment, as performed by a chiropractor, would decrease muscle tension and thereby reduce or eliminate pain by reducing the potential forces exerted on the dura via the muscle-dura connection. Chiropractic adjustments work toward correcting the cause of the headache by improving the biomechanics of the spine.
Recent evidence from Duke University concluded that cervicogenic headaches (CGH), one of the common forms of headaches, was effectively treated with spinal adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments also resulted in more sustained benefit, in terms of both headache frequency and intensity, than amitriptyline medication with Tension-type (TTH) headaches.
Scientific evidence supports chiropractic adjustments as safe, effective and an appropriate choice for patients with many common forms of neck pain and headaches. Children enjoy gentle chiropractic adjustments and their parents feel more comfortable with the non-pharmacological approach of chiropractic care.
Should Children have Chiropractic?
As a concerned parent, you no doubt wonder if your child is as healthy as possible. Many factors contribute to your child’s overall health.
A major component is the communication between your child’s brain and body, a vital link controlling the growth, repair, and function of every tissue and organ in the body. Diet, exercise, rest, and emotional and spiritual support are other important factors.
Chiropractic recognizes the importance of each of these factors as they contribute to your child’s health.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the LIFE (nerve supply) produced in your brain may filter down your spinal cord and out over your nerves. This LIFE is responsible for growth, repair, and healing in your entire body. When vertebrae are out of their natural alignment, nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a nerve “pinch”), and this vital communication system in the body is disrupted. This neurological disturbance is called a subluxation, and it may result in the failure of one or more parts of the body, as well as health in general. Subluxations can also foster the onset of sickness and disease as the body weakens. The Doctor of Chiropractic specializes in the detection and correction of subluxations. Instead of treating the symptoms of the disease, the chiropractor corrects the subluxation so that normal body functions may take place. This is done by laying our hands on your back and gently lining up the vertebrae in their natural position. This process may take weeks or months, depending on the amount of misalignment. LIFE may then be restored throughout the body, and healing can take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish. By having subluxations corrected throughout childhood, your child will have a better opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
When should your child be checked for subluxations?
Newborn infants should be checked within hours after birth. The birth process, even under natural and controlled conditions, is potentially traumatic. During the pushing stage of labor, the spine, particularly the neck, may be injured as the baby is compressed and pushed down the birth canal. The most frequent subluxation experienced by newborns results from the pulling, twisting, and compression of the infant’s spine during birth. Although birth subluxations may cause immediate symptoms, such as respiratory depression, there may be far-reaching effects that are manifested for years. The child’s ability to fight against disease, for example, may be lowered. Colds, ear infections, colic, and other illnesses may result. Subluxations may also interfere with internal organ function, resulting in the inability to produce chemicals responsible for raising and lowering body temperature as needed. Research has also indicated that the body’s immune response in the production of anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents to fight infection is greatly compromised due to vertebral subluxations.
Chiropractic is safe and natural.
The chiropractic approach to health care is natural. It does not try to stimulate or inhibit normal body function. Instead, the chiropractor addresses the important relationship between the nervous system and disease. The systemic effect of vertebral subluxations is complex. Many childhood illnesses may be manifested in the pediatric patient due to abnormal body function caused by subluxations. In light of this, your chiropractor may be the best doctor to help your child.
Should You Have Chiropractic Care During Your Pregnancy?
Yes. Chiropractic care can help you and your baby achieve a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It is gentle and safe. The health benefits have been demonstrated in clinical studies.
In one of the studies, conducted by Irvin Hendryson, M.D., a member of the American Medical Association board of trustees, it was shown that women who received chiropractic adjustments in their third trimester of pregnancy were able to carry and deliver children with more comfort. Also, well-known orthopedist Per Freitag, M.D., conducted a hospital study that incorporated chiropractic adjustments during the patient’s pregnancy. He found that the need for pain killers during delivery was reduced by half.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the LIFE (nerve supply) produced in your brain may filter down your spinal cord and out over your nerves. This LIFE is responsible for growth, repair, and healing in your entire body. When vertebrae are out of their natural alignment, nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a nerve “pinch”), and this vital communication system in the body is disrupted. This neurological disturbance is called a subluxation, and it may result in the failure of one or more parts of the body, as well as health in general. Subluxations can also foster the onset of sickness and disease as the body weakens.
The Doctor of Chiropractic specializes in the detection and correction of subluxations. Instead of treating the symptoms of the disease, the chiropractor corrects the subluxation so that normal body functions may take place. This is done by laying hands on your back and gently lining up the vertebrae in their natural position. This process may take weeks or months, depending on the amount of misalignment. LIFE may then be restored throughout the body, and healing can take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish.
Women have special needs during pregnancy.
During pregnancy many physiological and endocrinological changes take place, all for the purpose of creating an optimal environment for the developing baby.’ This complex process involves every system of the pregnant woman’s body. The musculoskeletal systems are affected by the protruding abdomen, duck-like walk, and increased lower back curve. The pelvis changes early in pregnancy due to the release of estrogen and/or relaxin. These hormones cause the ligaments to relax and soften, which together with increased synovial fluid widens the pelvic joint.
This increased mobility is not restricted to the pelvis only, but may be noticed in other joints and muscles as well.
As the uterus enlarges and expands forward, the center of gravity is displaced. Subluxations of the spine may occur, and this results in associated muscle cramps and nerve pain.’ This change in posture puts more strain on the lower back and pelvis, which may result in lower back pain. Fifty percent of all women complain of low back pain during pregnancy.
Subluxations of the neck may be caused as it compensates for the changes in the lower spine by moving forward. This results in various symptoms, including headaches, nausea, or insomnia.
When should you be checked for subluxations?
The best time to be checked for subluxations is before you would like to become pregnant. This will ensure proper pelvic and spinal alignment. If you are already pregnant, chiropractic adjustments can be given throughout your pregnancy and directly after your labor and delivery
Source : Koren Publication
The Orthodox Medical Approach to Allergy Treatment
Orthodox medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment, and, according to Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., “You can depend on most doctors to largely ignore the cause … unfortunately, their treatment is often worse than the disease, especially since the relatively safe folk-measures of yesteryear have been replaced by the sophisticated, dangerous drugs of modern medicine.”
Since runny eyes, irritation, redness, fullness in the sinuses and other allergy symptoms are caused by histamines, antihistamines are often prescribed to dry mucus membranes. However, antihistamines can cause serious heart problems and should not be used with alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers. More recently Canadian researcher Lorne Brandes, in an article published in the May 1994 journal of the National Cancer institute, has produced research showing that certain antihistamines (Claritin'”, Hismanal” and AtaraXT”) make cancerous tumors grow faster in lab rodents.
What Can I Do For My Child?
Before initiating corrective care, the family must understand that enuresis is a problem that is out of the child’s conscious control. The child’s problem should not be viewed as bad behavior. Scolding, restricting fluids, and waking the child, generally do not help and may actually delay resolution; therefore these practices should be discouraged. Your child should actively participate in both their chiropractic consultation and correction. Changing and washing the sheets is suggested as long as the child is not made to feel humiliated.
What Causes Allergies?
No one knows for sure, though according to some authors childhood vaccinations are suspect. As writer Walene James has stated: “Vaccination lays the foundation for autoimmune diseases and other disorders of the immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma…. It is reasonable to assume that our contemporary ‘epidemic’ of allergies has at least some of its roots in the practice of vaccination.”
What causes subluxations?
Throughout life, falls, injuries and stress, commonly cause subluxations. Young children fall down several times a day. Vertebrae can move out of their natural alignment from contact in sports activities. Auto accidents commonly cause postural problems in the neck, called whiplash, which can lead to serious problems with nerve interference. Subluxations may lead to problems with growth and internal function including bladder control. By having subluxations corrected throughout childhood, adolescence, and then as an adult, you will have a better opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
What is a subluxation?
The free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to all parts of the human body governs itself and all its functions. When nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve”), this vital communication system is disturbed. These neurological disturbances are called subluxations. Chiropractic science has determined that subluxations can lead to serious health consequences. Conversely, the removal of subluxations has been shown to have important health benefits.
When nerve supply or communication is disrupted, one or more parts of the body begin to fail. Health in general begins to fail and as your body weakens, sickness and disease are the result. Instead of treating the symptoms of disease, the Doctor of Chiropractic corrects the subluxations, so that normal body function may take place. Chiropractic is a very specific science. By minimizing nerve interference through chiropractic adjustments, the natural strengths of the human body are maximized increasing the body’s capacity to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). It usually develops slowly over time. The repetitious contraction and relaxation of the arm muscles enable continuous hand and finger movement, which can irritate the nerves, tendons, and fascia (muscle covering) in the arms, wrists, and hands.
Why do some people get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and others don’t, even though they perform identical tasks?
The Carpal Tunnel is a small canal inside the wrist. The top part is formed by the alignment of the carpal (wrist) bones while the bottom part consists of the transverse ligament- a fibrous band that completes the tunnel.
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Weakness of hands
- Neck tension
- Night Pain
- Swelling
- Abnormal sensation
- Hand Clumsiness
Combined within the carpal tunnel are three structures:
1. The Median Nerve
2. Nine (9) Flexor tendons that enable you to curl your wrist and fingers
3. Blood Vessels to the palm and fingers
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome results from compression of the Median Nerve within the carpal tunnel.
The Median Nerve originates in the neck and travels down the center of your forearm and through the carpal tunnel to the hand muscles.
What Does The Median Nerve Do?
The Median Nerve controls some of the sensory and motor (movement) function in the hand (Shaded areas in the hand diagram above).
How Does The Median Nerve Become Compressed?
The Median Nerve can become compressed anywhere along its course from the neck to the carpal tunnel. Misaligned bones in the neck, tight neck muscles, cervical (neck) ribs, shoulder dysfunctions, inflamed tendons, and misaligned carpal bones are capable of compressing or irritating the Median Nerve, resulting in the symptoms of CTS.
What Causes All These Things?
A small portion of the conditions listed above are congenital (with you at birth), the rest are the result of poor posture, repetitive movements over time done improperly (RSI)*, poor ergonomics, falls experienced throughout life, sleeping on your stomach or hands, awkward hand positions playing sports or hobbies such as bowling, racquetball, or motorcycle riding. Pregnancy, birth control pills, high salt diets, and systemic diseases like diabetes, which cause the body to retain water, can also contribute to compression of the Median Nerve in the carpal tunnel.
Most doctors assume that it’s all in your wrist or hand; but did you know that most Carpal Tunnel Syndrome victims have a Primary Median Nerve “Crush” Site in their NECK? The Median Nerve comes straight out between the bones of your neck. Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat symptoms, and with this approach, it is easy to miss the neck when treating the pain instead of the cause. Sometimes nerve compression is so advanced that drugs and surgery are the only courses left to take. Don’t wait too long!
What is Infantile Colic?
Infantile colic can be as troublesome for the parent as the child experiencing the condition.
Characterized by a multitude of symptoms, the child suffering from infantile colic does not usually respond to simple comforting methods and exhibits periodic fussiness that can last over hours or days. In many cases the infant appears to be in pain and will pull up his/her legs.
At times the child’s abdomen will be hard and distended. Occasionally the passage of flatus will give relief, yet these attacks may last for hours. To make matters more complicated, this condition rarely responds to traditional health care. This leaves many parents troubled as an infant’s episodes of crying and fussiness persist.
A new approach
Two chiropractic studies relating to infantile colic are of particular interest. The first study was done by a group of Danish chiropractors who revealed positive results when spinal adjustments were given to a group of colicky infants.1 A second study involving a group of 316 infants diagnosed with colic reported 94% successful resolution within the first two weeks of chiropractic care.2 Although chiropractic care does not treat the symptoms of colic specifically, Doctors of Chiropractic have found after adjusting hundreds of babies that most will respond within the first few weeks.3 Why does chiropractic work when other methods fail? It’s simple really. Nerve supply is vital to the proper function of every system of the body, including the stomach, intestines, and other abdominal organs.
Any vertebral subluxation causing interference to the nerves in this area could adversely affect gastric function and result in discomfort, gas and other colic symptoms.
What is a vertebral subluxation?
A subluxation is a neurological disturbance caused by a nerve that is not functioning properly. The body depends upon the free flow of nerve communication – from the brain, through the spinal column, and to all parts of the human body – in order to govern itself and all of its functions. The interruption, blockage, or aberration of this flow of information can lead to serious health complications. Conversely, the removal of such interference has been shown to have important health benefits.
All body functions are controlled by messages from the brain sent through the nerves. When nerves become stretched, twisted, or “pinched,” this vital communication system of the body is disrupted. As a result one or more functions of the body may begin to fail. As the body weakens, health declines and if uncorrected, the body will ultimately give in to sickness and disease. This is how vertebral subluxation can lead to all kinds of neurological, emotional and physical disorders such as infantile colic. The Doctor of Chiropractic specializes in the detection and correction of subluxations. This is done by laying his/her hands on the back and gently lining up the vertebrae into their natural position. This process may take weeks or months, depending on the extent of misalignment. As the subluxations are reduced, however, nerve supply communicates more effectively throughout the body and healing may begin to take place. As the body heals, the symptoms of dysfunction and disease diminish.
As the infant with colic responds to chiropractic care, parents usually note that the child sleeps for longer periods without fussing, and requires less comforting.4 As a parent you can do your part to help your child by keeping your child’s appointments, and following your Doctor of Chiropractic’s instructions. Remember, healing takes time. Chiropractic is a natural science in that it neither stimulates nor inhibits body function, but instead gradually allows normal body function to take place once again.
As chiropractic helps to restore normal function in your child’s nervous system, your infant’s digestive tract and other related organs have a better opportunity to receive LIFE (nerve supply) from the brain, bringing it back to full normal potential. The result is a content baby and a happier you.
Source : TheBabyAdjusters
Why Should I Return if I Feel Fine?
You entered your chiropractor’s office feeling terrible and now your problems are a thing of the past.
You’d probably be happy to return if your health deteriorates to the point where you have similar problems. But your chiropractor suggests you return even if you feel fine?
“Why can’t I return only when I’m feeling bad?”
you may ask.
“I Feel Fine” Health Care
How you feel is not always a good indication of how healthy you are; in fact you may feel fine while life-threatening vertebral subluxations (spinal distortions) are damaging your body. We’ve all seen people looking like death warmed over who “feel fine.” They are walking targets, waiting for disease to strike before they decide to do anything about their health. They “feel fine” but have no energy; they “feel fine” but sleep poorly; they “feel fine” but are tired, have aches and pains, headaches or backaches. Too many people who “feel fine” have a sudden heart attack, stroke, debilitating pain or are diagnosed with a serious disease such as cancer.
They’ve lost touch with how they really feel. They’ll return for chiropractic care when they “feel like it’ and not a minute sooner.” They’ve stopped listening to their body’s subtle signs of sickness, and they won’t listen to their chiropractor either. Why wait for something to go wrong before you attend to your health? It may be too late if you wait for symptoms.
Delays have dangerous ends.
-William Shakespeare
But Why Do I Need So Many Adjustments?
Many people first visit their chiropractor after they’ve had years of long-standing spinal subluxations. By that time “gunk” (scar tissue or fibrosis) builds up around the spinal discs, nerves and joints and causes spinal degeneration. This “gunk” is much more sensitive than normal tissue’ and that’s why some people who have been in accidents can tell when a storm’s coming. That’s one reason why eighty-six percent of those in automobile accidents still have symptoms ten years later.
Long-standing subluxations also cause postural changes, so tender muscle areas (trigger or tender spots) develop.’ You may “feel fine” but when someone touches a “hot spot,” you jump!
Which Phase Are You In?
(The three phases of chiropractic care)
- The Acute Phase
In this phase you may be in a state of discomfort or pain; people often visit a chiropractor when they’re in this phase. - Reconstructive or Spinal Healing Phase
In this phase you continue to go to your chiropractor because you need continued corrective care in order to strengthen and heal. Individuals in this phase may find that nearly every time they come in for a spinal checkup their spine is out of alignment. - Health Maintenance Phase
Now your spine is holding its adjustments; you come in every so often for a spinal checkup and possible adjustment. Think of this in the same way that you think of a car tune-up every few thousand miles.
Post-Accident Changes
Scar tissue takes a long time to heal and it may take months or years of spinal adjustments before your spine is strong again.’ The earlier you begin chiropractic care the better; the longer you wait, the more scar tissue “gunk” builds up.’
Why Periodic Care?
Though your symptoms may disappear after a few spinal adjustments, the spinal degeneration will usually remain. The chances are that you’ll be back in the chiropractor’s office in the not-too-distant future with symptoms that take longer to go away (“I don’t understand it doctor, the last time I felt better after a couple of visits…”).
Why Settle For Less?
Many people visit their doctor of chiropractic only when they’re sick or in pain. That’s a lot better than resorting to drugs or surgery, but chiropractic has so much more to offer. Keep your spine free of vertebral subluxations so it may continue healing; so that it may promote a healthier body, with less stress, more energy and greater resistance to disease.
Why be content to be merely free from pain when you can also ensure better health, vitality and strength for yourself and your entire family for your entire lives?
No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health can be as important for your overall healing as proper nutrition. Are you and your family carrying the vertebral subluxation complex in your spines? Only a chiropractic spinal checkup can tell.
Among the many things contributing to your health: the quality of the air, food and water you take in; how you handle emotional stress; your inherited weaknesses and strengths; your use of drugs; exercise; and relaxation-a healthy spine is absolutely essential. In some people it is a major factor and can make the difference between a life of health, strength and vitality or a life of disease, weakness and disability.
A healthy spine can improve your life-see your chiropractor for periodic spinal checkups.
Source : Koren Publication
Will I Have More Energy With Chiropractic?
Fatigue Is A Warning
Fatigue or low energy is a very common condition. It can range from awakening in the morning with a chronic tired feeling to a severe physical and psychological depression characterized by a total lack of pleasure or sense of fulfillment (anhedonia). Fatigue is a warning: it is one of the earliest signs that something in our lives, physical or emotional, is not right.
No baby is born bored. And if anyone should be bored, it’s a baby! All it has to do is to eat, excrete and sleep. But babies are full of energy, excitement and vitality; they’re full of life. When a child complains that he or she is tired all the time, or bored, we know that something is very wrong.
A Big Mistake
What happens to our natural curiosity, sense of wondrous adventure and boundless energy as we age? Why have so many adults lost (or rather, lost touch with) life’s excitement? What happened to life’s sparkle?
When adults exhibit chronic tiredness or fatigue, we don’t get nearly as concerned as when a child does-and that’s a big mistake. Life should be filled with energy, no matter what a person’s age-the biographies of many notable people teach us that well into their seventies, eighties and even nineties they are robust-full of lust for life.
The Causes Of Chronic Fatigue
There can be many causes of chronic fatigue. They can be organic conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders and endocrine disorders; or emotional stress such as depression, anxiety or trauma. Chronic fatigue can be due to sleep deprivation; the adverse effects of prescribed, over-the-counter or illegal drugs; or an unhealthy lifestyle that doesn’t permit you to “catch up” with yourself. Others feel that chronic fatigue may be a nutritional condition that can be corrected with improved diet.
Spinal Balance, Energy
A common cause of fatigue is an unbalanced spinal column. How? A simple analogy: If you were carrying a bowling ball, how much more difficult would it be to carry it at a distance from your body than at your side? Your head weighs about as much as a bowling ball; if your head is off-center, “carrying” it can exhaust you! Also, your 24 movable vertebrae, sacrum, hips and pelvis also need proper alignment in order to make efficient use of your energy. A modest unbalance (for example, a “short” leg) could translate into a considerable amount of wasted energy as the hours, days, weeks and months add up.
“Nerve Energy”
Energy flows over your brain and spinal cord through your nerves (and other tissues) and back to the brain and spinal cord. A healthy spine and nervous system keep your flow of energy balanced, your immune system strong and your resistance to disease high. An unhealthy, unbalanced spine can interfere with the natural flow of energy through your body, creating blockages and imbalances that may cause physical and emotional fatigue.
Surprisingly, some people who experience chronic fatigue often have enough energy but the energy is blocked, locked up, unbalanced and not flowing properly.
Chiropractic’s Unique Place
When chiropractors correct a mechanical distortion in your body with a chiropractic spinal adjustment, nerve system energy is normalized. In effect, chiropractic care heals a broken bridge between your “physical body” and your “energy body” so that they may communicate better with one another and restore harmony to your “body-mind.”
Vitalism-Life Energy
Today the study of the energy quality of the body is a new frontier of healing. It’s called energy medicine and Robert Becker, M.D. explains it eloquently:
Today… many physicians are reexamining and applying therapeutic techniques that were previously discarded as “unscientific” by academic medicine. The use of foods, herbs, meditation, and acupuncture [represents) only a few examples… The chemistry of life has been revealed to be based upon the underlying forces of electrical and magnetism. our bodies and brains generate electromagnetic fields within us and around us…. Current popular healing practices use an invisible common source: the body’s innate electrical systems.
All your body systems run on energy and, when properly working, give you an abundance of the energy and life with which you are naturally endowed. There is abundant energy within you all the time. Unfortunately, it can get blocked, unbalanced and congested. If you are fatigued, bored, tired, depressed or lacking enthusiasm, you should investigate the natural health approach of chiropractic.